Welcome to 2020!

It has been two years since I started this blog. In that time, I've published 42 posts and received over 13,000 page views (though I'm not sure how many of those are spam referrals...).

This is a quick update on what I plan to write in the coming month(s):
> I'm currently working on a summary/review of Nassim Nicholas Taleb's books Antifragile and The Bed of Procrustes. After that I'll be taking a break from Taleb for a while.
> For The Bed of Procrustes, I'm doing something different since the book is also... different. I'll be giving more of my own thoughts on the topic rather than mostly summarizing.
> I am also reading Thaler and Sunstein's famous Nudge, which will of course be reviewed in due time.


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