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Book Review: Chip Heath & Dan Heath, "Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work", Crown Business, 2013. This book by the Heath brothers is about the decision-making process, and as such is not about good outcomes per se . As the authors write in chapter 12, "We can't know when we make a choice whether it will be successful. Success emerges from the quality of the decisions we make and the quantity of luck we receive. We can't control luck. But we can control the way we make choices." This quote reminds one of a similar point made by Stuart Sutherland in his book "Irrationality", which I have previously reviewed : rational thought and action does not guarantee that you will always achieve the best possible outcome, but in the long run, rationality maximizes your chance of success. So Decisive is really about using a process for decision-making in order to make better decisions, which cannot be evaluated merely by their out...