
Hi! My name is Michael, and this is my blog.
I may occasionally write my thoughts here, review some books, or post general life updates (without getting too personal).

About me

I am a young male, living in Europe, with a BA in Liberal Arts, specializing in Social Sciences, and a MSc in Business Administration / Marketing.
What fascinates me is human behavior and psychology, especially the role that people's beliefs and decisions play in the overall state of society (and how they can potentially be influenced). I am also interested in philosophy, in particular transhumanism.


Q: Why the pseudonym "Quaerendo"?
A: It is a reference to Douglas Hofstadter's book Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, wherein the author advises the reader with the words "quaerendo invenietis", meaning "by seeking you will discover" -- which itself is a reference to a puzzle canon in J. S. Bach's The Musical Offering.

Q: Why the title "Omne ignotum pro magnifico"?
A: The Latin phrase means something like "everything unknown appears magnificent" or "every unknown thing is taken as grand/splendid". It is a reference to three things: (1) Eliezer Yudkowsky's conception of "Mysterious Answers to Mysterious Questions"; (2) a video on YouTube by QualiaSoup called "Putting faith in its place", which had a big impact on me when I was younger; and (3) Sherlock Holmes.

Q: Why the URL "perpetualcanon ..."?
A: It refers to the so-called perpetual canons from J. S. Bach's The Musical Offering.

Q: What is the background picture called?
A: It is Print Gallery (1956 lithograph) by M. C. Escher.


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